Saturday 12 November 2011

Membekal Haiwan Ternakan

Baka lembu yang kami bekalkan adalah jenis kedah kelantan (k-k) . Baka lembu tempatan ini yang amat sesuai di negara Malaysia kerana sifatnya yang tahan jangkitan penyakit. Ia berbadan pejal dan mempunyai berbagai warna seperti perang hitam, cokelat atau kekuningan. Berat matang adalah antara 200 - 250 kg. Daging dihasilkan kira-kira 45% daripada berat badan.
Harga lembu dari RM1500 - RM3500 mengikut keadaan lembu itu.
lembu yang dijual berusia dua tahun setengah dan keatas.

the breed type that we are providing are kedah kelantan(k-k). this breed is suitable for malaysia because of its natural habit that is resistant to disease. it has a variety of colors from brown, chocolate to yellowish. The grown weight is 200-250 and the meat that is produced is 45% from the weight
Price RM1500- RM 3500 depending on the condition.
cows that are normally sold are 2 years and above


Price are range from RM3000 and above for years 5 years and above
do you know that buffalo meat is healthier then beef?
more details about buffalo can be found on the website below

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